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More Fun!

Bring Créu and his friends offline! Click to download and print activities!

You can download for free! Hover to see what's available on Zazzle!

Coloring Pages

Download, print and have fun!



Be ready for school with a Créu planner!

Print, write down the times for your classes and activities.

Then attach to your diary or notebook!


Build a Puppet!

Want to build your own toys? Learn how to build a pivot puppet with Créu!

Just follow the instructions below =^^=

Steps to create!

For this project you will need round brass fasteners.

You can find them in any office or school supplies store!

They look something like this:

brass round fastener office supplies

1) Cut around the body parts following the purple dotted line. If necessary, glue the parts to a stronger material, such as cardboard.

2) Find the pivots marked in purple. You may use a toothpick to pre-punch the holes. Align the body parts to one another.

3) Follow the direction of the fastener - head on top and the long part goes through two Body pieces. Then bend the fastener ends, like so:


Do this for all Body parts.


Test your puppet, it should look something like this!


Now it's time to play!

how to draw

Learn to Draw!

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